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Archival description
Wilfred Templeman collection
Collection · 1947-1960

The collection consists of newsclippings, articles, diagrams and notes on codtraps and nets. The collection also includes notes on the size of Labrador cod.

Templeman, Wilfred
Thomas L. Blake collection
Collection · Reproduced in 1977, (originally created 1883-1890)

The collection consists of a typescript of a diary of Thomas L. Blake covering the period from 1893-1890. Collection also includes a photocopy of Blake's handwritten original diary.

Blake, Thomas L.
S.K. Hutton collection
CA Them Days APL 048 · Collection · 1903 - 1914

Collection consists of a seven page excerpt from "Among the Labrador Eskimos" by S.K. Hutton detailing his experiences while living in Okak from 1903-1908 and from 1911-1914 (1912), 2 copies; a retyped ten page excerpt of "A Daughter of the Labrador" by S.K. Hutton.

S.K. Hutton
Collection · 1865-2000, predominantly 1950-1995

The collection consists of approximately 7250 photographs (1865-2000, predominantly 1950-1995) of which approximately 7000 have been processed; 69 albums; three boxes of slides (ca. 1150); thirteen sheets of negatives (ca. 200); two daguerreotypes (1840s or 1850s), and 25 stereo cards.

The slides are stored in slide cases and are grouped according to a specific theme such as a school or an event. While many of the albums and scrapbooks were given to the archives by various convents, schools and individual Sisters, the archive has also created several albums with the intent to highlight a particular theme or event such as "Jubilees," "The Lantern," and "Social Gatherings."

Approximately 7000 photographs of the collection have been processed. The following information has been deducted from a random sampling of 546 cards from the photograph index: the majority of these photographs, 25%, measure 8.9cm x 8.9 cm ( 3 « x 3 « inches) with the second largest group, 17%, measuring 10.16cm x 15.24cm (4 x 6 inches); 53% of the sample were noted as colour photographs while 43% were noted as black and white; 81% of all the photographs are described as being in good condition with only 2% being rated as poor.

The photographs are organized according to the Presentation Congregation Archives finding aid and therefore cover a wide variety of topics. About one third of the photographs are of the various branches of the Presentation Congregation. The Presentation Motherhouse in Cathedral Square, St. John's has the largest amount of photographs (81) in the collection with the second largest being from Our Lady of Assumption Mission in Davis Inlet (71). Another large group of pictures (ca. 250) depict the Sisters themselves as they go through the process of becoming professed and embrace their ministries. As well, these pictures look at the Sister's personal life, their relationships and visits with family and friends.

A third subject that is given a great deal of attention is education (7cm) and the various schools that the sisters taught in. The final subject identified as a main focus in the collection are the various "Associates" associated with the Presentation Congregation (6cm) such as the Archdiocese of St. John's, Grand Falls, St. George's and Labrador/Schefferville, the various parishes, Archbishops and Bishops, clergy, visitors, and other religious Congregations.

Presentation Congregation Archives
Moravian Mission collection
CA Them Days APL 030 · Collection · 1859 - 1942

Collection consists of Moravian Periodical Accounts; extracts of Moravian community diaries and journals; extracts of private correspondence of Missionaries; Checklists of Manuscripts and Printed Material on the Moravian Missions in Labrador; Ordination service program for Walter Edmunds; Newfoundland Government Bulletin article "Moravian Mission 200 Years in Labrador" (1971); Canadian Heritage article "The Brethren in Labrador" (1983); Birth, death, marriage, and confirmation records for Moravian Mission stations (Hebron, Killinek; Agreement and Account of Crew for foreign going ships, the S.S. Harmony; Labrador Moravian newsletter "Labradorime Moravianmiut" (1975); Business correspondence for Moravian Mission in Labrador(1926-1925); Annual reports for Moravian Mission in Makkovik, Nain, Hopedale, and Hebron. This collection contains information covering the years 1752-1988; predominantly 1859-1942.

Moravion Mission
CA Them Days APL 066 · Collection · 1979 - 1993

Collection consists scripts from the Them Days Heritage Festival entitled " Ghosts You Say...?" and "En Route to Tissialuk" (1979); Them Days Heritage Festival program (1979); draft lesson plans for Cultural Heritage 1200 entitled "Labrador Issues" compiled by Steve McLean and Barry Knight (1983- 1984); pilot project survey for cultural heritage 1200 (1983-1984); Newspaper clippings from the Labradorian entitled: "Generous Donation" (1986) "New Assistant Suprintendent at LEISB" by Kathy Dicks (1987), "DR. Sparks Honored" (1987) memo concerning "Songs of Labrador" (1991); correspondence from Tim Borlase to Them Days regarding use of photographs (circa 1988); Request for permission to reproduce visual material for the Labrador curriculum study units (circa 1988) includes photocopy of image; booklet entitled: " Taitsumanintait" a collection of stories from Them Days translated into Inuktiut by Sarah Townley (1993); THE LABRADOR NOR- EASTERN a digest for teachers of the Labrador East Intergrated School Board Vol: 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.2 7.3 8.1 8.2 8.3 11.2 12.1 12.2 (1981-1989). These twenty issues contain articles, inforamation and student submissions pertaining to the activities of the Labrador East Intergrated School Board and it's Studies Advisory Commitee as well as a calender, kit outline, backround, surveys, updates, course outlines, proposals, proposed teaching tool on native peoples (chapter 2) and correspondince relating to the Labrador Studies Course (1983-1985). Board range of covering class.

Labrador East Intergrated School Board
CA Them Days APL 003 · Collection · 1903 - 1978

Collection consists of articles from AMONG THE DEEP SEA FISHERS entitled: "The Forgotten Years 1912-1945" by W.A. Paddon (1981); "64-64-64, The Valley Calling" by Susan Felsburg (1981); "On Cartwright" by C. Hogarth Forsyth (date unknown); "Indian Harbour Items" Norman B. Stewart and "Dr. Grenfell's Log" (1911); "Items from the New England Association" (1913); "Summer Hospital at Indian Harbour" by Austin B. Reeve (1913); "Indian Harbour" by Dr. Harry L. Paddon (1914); "Indian Harbour Hospital" and "Indian Harbour Hospital, Labrador" by Dr. Harry L. Paddon (1915); "Spotted Islands, Labrador" by Mrs. Manning C. Fields (1915); "A Summer at Indian Harbour Hospital" by Harold Thomas (1916); "Vale, Indian Harbour" by Harry L. Paddon (1929); "Twenty-six Years Ago" by Frederick W. Willway (1920); "Dr. Grenfell's Log" (1920); IGA in Labrador (1910); "Items from the New England Association" (1911); Indian Harbour during the war (World War One) (1914); Editorial Notes (1914); A bit about Battle Harbour (1915); "Crossing the Run" by Dorothy Jupp (date unknown); "Extracts from Dr. Grenfell's Letters to 'The Toilers'" (1903); "A Newcomer Along the Coast" by Kate Hester Parks (1923); "A Return Visit to the Coast" by Betty Seabrook (1954); article entitled "Reading for Pleasure" by Edith Sloan Griscom (part 1) and Nora Dunning (part 2) (date unknown); article entitled "To November, 1976" re: the Indian Alcohol Program in North West River; articles from AMONG THE DEEP SEA FISHERS entitled: "The Mission's Most Northerly Outposts" by Harry L. Paddon (1926); "A Peep into Battle Harbour Hospital" by Sister Bailey (1907); "A Day in Battle Harbour Hospital" by Nellie Gilgour (1909); "Items from Battle Harbour" by S.M. Carr Harris (1909); "Battle Harbour Jottings" (1910); "Winter Nursing Station for Battle Harbour Hospital, Lewis Bay, Labrador" by Alberta Morbio (1925); "Battle Harbour Hospital-Summer of 1925" by Joseph K. Surls (1926); "A Dentist's Experience in Labrador" by Abraham M. Zimmerman (1926); "Dr. Grenfell's Log" (1926); "The Summer at Battle Harbour" by Harry T. Mount (date unknown); Notes on IGA (1933); article entitled "Grenfell Mission Hospital Ships" by Dr. Harry L. Paddon (1965); articles from AMONG THE DEEP SEA FISHERS entitled "Spotted Islands" (1922); "Cary Cove", a poem (date unknown); "Dentistry at Spottted Islands" by Donald Huchingson (date unknown); "The School at Spotted Islands" by Lement B.P. Cobb; "Staff and Volunteer Workers Season-1922; "Christmas at St. Anthony Orphanage" by Harriot P. Houghteling (1921); "Christmas at Cartwright Boarding School" by Clara Gordon (1921); article from CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL entitled "Grenfell's Legacy to Labrador and Newfoundland" (date unknown); excerpts from NORTHERN NURSE by Elliott Merrick (1944); article from BY GREAT WATERS entitled "Adrift on an Icepan" by Wilfred Grenfell (1908); copies of THE LOCKWOOD MAGAZINE Vol. 3.1 (1938), Vol. 5.1 and Vol 5.1 typed copy (1943); Lockwood School Log photocopies of hand-written originals and retyped copies (1935-1936) and (1937-1938); Lockwood School lessons for grade two (circa 1940), Lockwood School student's work (circa 1940), Lockwood School lessons for grade two (1940), photocopies of hand-written originals and typed copies; Lockwood School holiday programs (1931-1934); correspondence regarding an outbreak of typhoid fever in Batteau, Labrador in 1917 (1917-1918); Guest Book from the Cartwright Hospital (1931-1983); Mary's Harbour Nursing Station Guest Book (1904-1987); correspondence regarding the names and locations of branches of the Grenfell Association and bequest from Jane L. Alcorn; memorandums, letters, certificates, and accounts re: IGA Timber Royalties (1935-1946); correspondence regarding the rate of pay for labourers and the use of Rangers as Relief Officers (1936-1937); correspondence between the Newfoundland Rangers, Department of Natural Resources, and IGA re: fire break at North West River (1935-1936); correspondence re: IGA permits for voluntary workers; correspondence of Minister of Agriculture and Mines Development of the Colonial Secretary of Newfoundland re: IGA application for land at North West River for hospital site (1915); "First Annual Report of the International Grenfell Association" (1914); Report of the Commissioner re: the Grenfell Inquiry by Robert T. Squarey (1917); petition by William Duff and Sons Ltd. re: IGA stores (1917); various correspondence and statements re: IGA petition and Grenfell Inquiry (1917); IGA application for the right to cut timber at St. Lewis Inlet (1918-1919); IGA machine shop expenses and revenue (1916); memorandum and articles of association of the International Grenfell Association (1913); licence and certificate of incorporation (1914); copy of report by R.T. Squary re: IGA enquiry (1917); Evidence taken on the Grenfell Inquiry by Robert T. Squarey (1917); Examinations and cross-examinations re: Grenfell Inquiry (1917); Evidence taken on the Grenfell Inquiry, Forteau, Flower's Cove, Quirpon, La Soie, Coachman's Cove, Seldom Come By, Greenspond, St. John's (1917) IGA petition for assistance from Battle Harbour to Prime Minister and Member of Parliament (1950); correspondence of SPEAR, MIDDLETON, DONALDSON & HALL PATENT and TRADE MARK CAUSES re: IGA trademark (1923); copy of the IGA 1932 Act granting certain lands at Mary's Harbour to the IGA (1932).

International Grenfell Association
English 200 collection
Collection · 1962-1968

The collection consists of short term papers, brief responses to on-going folklore survey project on folklore survey cards and assorted brief items on slips of paper. The collection represents material gathered from English 200 students as a consequence of the teaching efforts of Herbert Halpert and his colleague Elizabeth Orsten. Subjects covered include weather, tall tales, legends, traditional medicine, Newfoundland dialectical expressions, proverbial sayings, beliefs, songs, customs, riddles and games. Orsten contributed examples of proverbial sayings on dumbness. Students obtained the information from informants or from their own experiences. Some biographical information on individual informants is available.

The folklore survey cards contain information from the student manuscripts and therefore are duplicated by some of the manuscript material. Fifty of the cards were contributed by students from other English 200 classes and by Dr. Halpert.

Halpert, Herbert