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Descripción archivística
Fisheries collection
CA Them Days APL 416 · Colección · 1876, 1879, 1896, 1900, 1903, 1908, 1948, 1951, 1980, 1986, 1988, 1991

collection consists of various newspaper clippings taken from THE NORTHERN REPORTER regarding the Fisheries, (1986-1988); a booklet entitled: " The Price of Fish, Community Life and the Fisheries of Conception Bay, Newfoundland (1991) , a list of the exhibit artifacts, artwork, photographs, final storyline and English Text used in it "the Price of Fish"; a booklet entitled: " Acid Rain: A Newfoundland and Labrador Perspective", the Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 1589: " Research on the Artic Char Fishery of Northern Labrador' written by Lawrence J. LeDrew (1980); various articles taken from " The Fisheries Development Company Newfoundland Ltd" report (1948); a copy of a breif survey entitled 'The Fisheries of Northern Labrador'; a copy of an appraisal of the Labrador Fishing Industry entitled: Labrador Fishery Vol .1'; statistical appendices to Vol 1 and Vol. 2 of the Department of Fisheries of Canada MArkets and Economics Service Reports (1951); 'Salmon Investigation Preliminary Survey of the Rivers and Commercial Fishery of Southern Labrador,' written by Cheeseman, Sollows, Dalzeil, Huxter and Smith (1952-1953); various photocopied letters pertaining to the fisheries in Labrador; and a report on Northern Labrador and Fishery (1876)

Sin título
Larry Tom Willett collection
CA Them Days APL 435 · Colección · 1992

Collection consists of a handwritten manuscript and cover letter entitled: 'Jimmy Was Good in the Woods,' written by Larry Tom Willett

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Dave Martin collection
CA Them Days APL 446 · Colección · 1992

Collection consists of a photocopied letter to Cyril MacConnoran from Davis M Martin regarding " Old Smoker" (1992); and a handwritten photocopied letter to Davis Matrin from Cyril MacConnoran.

Sin título
William Kirwin collection
CA Them Days APL 451 · Colección · 1867, 1988

Collection consists of correspondence to Dr. Wm Kirwin from Carol Brice Benett of The Labrador Institute of Northern Studies (1988); to Carol Brice Bennett from Dr. Wm Kirwin (1988(; to Carol Brice Bennett from William J Kirwin (1988(; and the journal: " William Chimmo's Journal of a Voyage to the N.E. Coast of Labrador during the year 1967" Edited by William J. Kirwin.

Jonathan King collection
CA Them Days APL 456 · Colección · 1893, 1991

Collection consists of a list of Labradorians at the Chicago's World Fair and accompanying photographs.

Sin título
CA Them Days APL 475 · Colección · 1826, 1934, 1936, 1939, 1942, 1945, 1946, 1961, 1996

Collection consists of 3 photocopied pages taken from the Registry of Marriages; an account of Labrador written by Sir Francis Bernard, Govenor of Massachusetts (1760); and various correspondence, requests and memorandums regarding Natural Resource use and development in Labrador.

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Robert John King collection
CA Them Days APL 485 · Colección · 1913

Collection consists of a photocopied Certificate of Marriage for Kenneth King and Alice E. Mesher (1913); handwritten noted on Alice Mesher and family; and handwritten notes on Ambrose and Mary Ann Mesher.

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Nina Dinwoodie collection
CA Them Days APL 517 · Colección · 1924 - 1962

Collection consists of a sketch by Nina Dinwoodie entitled: 'Mary A Davis, Gready Island '26'; a newpaper article regarding Nina Dinwoodie entitled: ' Lifelong Quest'; an obituary of Nina Dinwoodie taken from the MISSOULIAN; and a program taken from her funeral(1995)

Eskimos at Expositions collection
CA Them Days APL 540 · 1907,1935, 1990

Collection consists of 'Eskimos at Expositions' the development of an enduring stereotype at expositions in the United States 1893-1909. Written by J.C. King, Museum of Mankind, London (1990); various correspondences regarding the prevention of Eskimos being taken out of Labrador for exhibition purposes (1907), and an exerpt from the Census of Newfoundland and Labrador

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Lee Weber collection
CA Them Days APL 535 · 1950 - 1986

Collection consists of a booklet containing job descriptions, recreation and service club policy for U.S.A. Department of the Air Force, a booklet regarding volunteers in the Air Force Service Club Program (1956), position descriptions of the Recreation Aid, Recreation Specialists, Service Club Director (1974), leaflets regarding service club programs and service club calendars (1969), an apraisal of U.S.A.F.E. Recreation Centre Program (1975), personnel listing, policy guidance and monochrome technique, photocopied base funding handling procedures; a booklet entitled: “Examination of Port Facilities Proposed at Stephenville, Newfoundland and Goose Bay, Labrador (1968); a programme regarding the visit by the King and Queen of Belgians (1977) , a leaflet regarding the Change of Command from LCol Scott to LCol David (1984) a letter regarding the Space Shuttle Enterprise (1983) a magazine article taken from THE SCIENCE DIMENSION entitled: ‘Space Shuttle’ (1983), a photocopied newspaper article regarding the historic landing at Goose Bay, a magazine article excerpted from Macleans entitled: ‘Tragedy at Gander’ ; newsletter articles from G.A.B. regarding United States Air Force newspaper, a booklet regarding ‘The Air Force service Club Program’; a photocopied manuscript entitled: “Goose Bay before World War II or The Other Goose’; 2 Remembrance Day programs, an explanation of ‘The Detachment 1’; a photocopied newspaper article entitled: ‘Departing Commander Feels Goose Bay will get NATO Base, an Ambassador club Entertainment schedule, birthday sentiment to the U.S.A.F. on their 40th birthday; information booklets entitled: ‘R.C.A.F. Air command Celebrates 60th Anniversary’ (1984); a short account of Eric Fry’s time spent as an aerial photographer in the Canadian North, photocopied newspaper articles entitled: How Eric Fry beat the U.S. to the Arctic Base’ and M.A.C. Always where the Action is’ written by LCol Paul C Rapp, a letter from Major D R Ggauen inviting the 32nd anniversary and 15 years of Canadian Control of the Radar Unit (1986), information regarding the Melville long Range Radar, newspaper article taken from the Saturday Evening Post regarding Arctic Outpost, 9 pages of photos of Goose Air Base; USAF letters if appreciation regarding Military Operation, Recreation Services, Service Clubs, Base Commander (1961, 1975); a letter and covering information regarding R.C.A.F. Cemetery and Dedication, 6 programs regarding talent contests (1961-1966) a telephone directory for Goose Bay Airport, a civilian personnel appeals and grievance (1969); U.S.A.F. ‘Family Housing Brochure and Maintenance Guides (1967 &1968); a numerical index of special services operating instructions.