Affichage de 757 résultats

Description archivistique
Anglican Parish of Bonavista fonds
Fonds · 1786-1835

The fonds consists of photocopies of baptisms, marriages and burials for the Parish of Bonavista, 1786 - 1834 and an original register of marriages for a variety of churches on the Bonavista Peninsula, mostly from the Bonavista Bay area, 1825 - 1835. The first part of the record contains a handwritten note on the Marriage Act as passed by Parliament in the Fifth year of George IV, Chapter LXVIII, Section VI. According to the law anyone performing a marriage after March 25, 1825 is supposed to deliver to either the Secretary of the Governor or to the incumbent or officiating minister of some church or chapel of the established church of England in the towns of St. John’s, Harbour Grace or Trinity a certificate of marriage. This is then to be entered into a marriage register and is to be kept at that site.

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St. Matthew’s Church (Trouty) fonds
Fonds · 1888-1992

The fonds consists of minutes of select vestry meetings 1911 - 1986; vestry registers, 1888-1998; financial records; 1906-1952; correspondence, 1929-1949; minister’s records, 1945-1990 and visitor’s books, 1966-1992.

The records have been organized into six series according to form and function.

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Elizabeth Goudie fonds
Fonds · 1975, 1977, 1982

Fonds consists of a short story written by Elizabeth Goudie entitled "Aunt Annie Blake" (1975); newspaper profile of Elizabeth Goudie (1977); book review of "Woman of Labrador" printed in the Newfoundland HERALD (1977); newspaper clipping from the Daily News entitled "Quiet Christmas, 1927" by Elizabeth Goudie (1982)

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CA NL0051 PL3 · Collection · 1903-1978

Collection consists of articles from AMONG THE DEEP SEA FISHERS entitled: "The Forgotten Years 1912-1945" by W.A. Paddon (1981); "64-64-64, The Valley Calling" by Susan Felsburg (1981); "On Cartwright" by C. Hogarth Forsyth (date unknown); "Indian Harbour Items" Norman B. Stewart and "Dr. Grenfell's Log" (1911); "Items from the New England Association" (1913); "Summer Hospital at Indian Harbour" by Austin B. Reeve (1913); "Indian Harbour" by Dr. Harry L. Paddon (1914); "Indian Harbour Hospital" and "Indian Harbour Hospital, Labrador" by Dr. Harry L. Paddon (1915); "Spotted Islands, Labrador" by Mrs. Manning C. Fields (1915); "A Summer at Indian Harbour Hospital" by Harold Thomas (1916); "Vale, Indian Harbour" by Harry L. Paddon (1929); "Twenty-six Years Ago" by Frederick W. Willway (1920); "Dr. Grenfell's Log" (1920); IGA in Labrador (1910); "Items from the New England Association" (1911); Indian Harbour during the war (World War One) (1914); Editorial Notes (1914); A bit about Battle Harbour (1915); "Crossing the Run" by Dorothy Jupp (date unknown); "Extracts from Dr. Grenfell's Letters to 'The Toilers'" (1903); "A Newcomer Along the Coast" by Kate Hester Parks (1923); "A Return Visit to the Coast" by Betty Seabrook (1954); article entitled "Reading for Pleasure" by Edith Sloan Griscom (part 1) and Nora Dunning (part 2) (date unknown); article entitled "To November, 1976" re: the Indian Alcohol Program in North West River; articles from AMONG THE DEEP SEA FISHERS entitled: "The Mission's Most Northerly Outposts" by Harry L. Paddon (1926); "A Peep into Battle Harbour Hospital" by Sister Bailey (1907); "A Day in Battle Harbour Hospital" by Nellie Gilgour (1909); "Items from Battle Harbour" by S.M. Carr Harris (1909); "Battle Harbour Jottings" (1910); "Winter Nursing Station for Battle Harbour Hospital, Lewis Bay, Labrador" by Alberta Morbio (1925); "Battle Harbour Hospital-Summer of 1925" by Joseph K. Surls (1926); "A Dentist's Experience in Labrador" by Abraham M. Zimmerman (1926); "Dr. Grenfell's Log" (1926); "The Summer at Battle Harbour" by Harry T. Mount (date unknown); Notes on IGA (1933); article entitled "Grenfell Mission Hospital Ships" by Dr. Harry L. Paddon (1965); articles from AMONG THE DEEP SEA FISHERS entitled "Spotted Islands" (1922); "Cary Cove", a poem (date unknown); "Dentistry at Spottted Islands" by Donald Huchingson (date unknonw); "The School at Spotted Islands" by Lement B.P. Cobb; "Staff and Volunteer Workers Season-1922; "Christmas at St. Anthony Orphanage" by Harriot P. Houghteling (1921); "Christmas at Cartwright Boarding School" by Clara Gordon (1921); article from CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL entitled "Grenfell's Legacy to Labrador and Newfoundland" (date unknown); excerpts from NORTHERN NURSE by Elliott Merrick (1944); article from BY GREAT WATERS entitled "Adrift on an Icepan" by Wilfred Grenfell (1908); copies of THE LOCKWOOD MAGAZINE Vol. 3.1 (1938), Vol. 5.1 and Vol 5.1 typed copy (1943); Lockwood School Log photocopies of handwritten originals and retyped copies (1935-1936) and (1937-1938); Lockwood School lessons for grade two (circa 1940), Lockwood School student's work (circa 1940), Lockwood School lessons for grade two (1940), photocopies of handwritten originals and typed copies; Lockwood School holiday programs (1931-1934); correspondence regarding an outbreak of typhoid fever in Batteau, Labrador in 1917 (1917-1918); Guest Book from the Cartwright Hospital (1931-1983); Mary's Harbour Nursing Station Guest Book (1904-1987); correspondence regarding the names and locations of branches of the Grenfell Association and bequest from Jane L. Alcorn; memorandums, letters, certificates, and accounts re: IGA Timber Royalties (1935-1946); correspondence regarding the rate of pay for labourers and the use of Rangers as Relief Officers (1936-1937); correspondence between the Newfoundland Rangers, Department of Natural Resources, and IGA re: fire break at North West River (1935-1936); correspondence re: IGA permits for voluntary workers; correspondence of Minister of Agriculture and Mines Development of the Colonial Secretary of Newfoundland re: IGA application for land at North West River for hospital site (1915); "First Annual Report of the International Grenfell Association" (1914); Report of the Commissioner re: the Grenfell Inquiry by Robert T. Squarey (1917); petition by William Duff and Sons Ltd. re: IGA stores (1917); various correspondence and statements re: IGA petition and Grenfell Inquiry (1917); IGA application for the right to cut timber at St. Lewis Inlet (1918-1919); IGA machine shop expenses and revenue (1916); memorandum and articles of association of the International Grenfell Association (1913); liscence and certificate of incorporation (1914); copy of report by R.T. Squary re: IGA enquiry (1917); Evidence taken on the Grenfell Inquiry by Robert T. Squarey (1917); Examinations and cross-examinations re: Grenfell Inquiry (1917); Evidence taken on the Grenfell Inquiry, Forteau, Flower's Cove, Quirpon, La Soie, Coachman's Cove, Seldom Come By, Greenspond, St. John's (1917) IGA petition for assistance from Battle Harbour to Prime Minister and Member of Parliament (1950); correspondence of SPEAR, MIDDLETON, DONALDSON & HALL PATENT and TRADE MARK CAUSES re: IGA trademark (1923); copy of the IGA 1932 Act granting certain lands at Mary's Harbour to the IGA (1932).

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The Cartwriter collection
CA NL0051 PL14 · Collection · 1939, 1940

Collection consists of: Vol. 4.2, Vol. 4.3, Vol. 4.4, Vol. 4.5, Vol. 4.6, Vol. 4.7, Vol. 4.8, Vol. 4.9, Vol. 4.10, Vol. 4.12 of the Cartwriter and special issue, April 13, 1940. The Cartwriter contains an editorial section and columns such as: Cook's Corner, Patter, News Summary, Social and Personal news, Announcements, Puzzle Corner and historical items. Contents covers the years from 1775-1940.

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William Duncan Strong fonds
CA NL0051 PL28 · Fonds · 1927, 1928

Collection consists of William Duncan Strong's field notes, taken while on the Rawson-MacMillan field museum Expedition (1927-1928); extracts taken from Strong's field notes regarding toys and games research (1927-1928).

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J. Garth Taylor fonds
CA NL0051 PL29 · Fonds · 1776-1990

Collection consists of articles and papers written by Garth Taylor entitled: "Structure of early contact Labrador Eskimo social units (1968); "William Turner's Journeys to the Caribou Country with Labrador Eskimos in 1780" (1969); "Guns for the Eskimos" (1970); "Moravian Mission Influence of Labrador Inuit, Subsistence" (1776-1830); "Indian-Inuit Relations in Eastern Labrador, 1600-1976" (1979); "Inuit Lands Cessions in the 18th Century: Recent Contributions to the Literature" (1979); "An Eskimo Abroad, 1981- his Diary and Death" (1981); "Eskimo Legends Gathered on the Coast of Labrador During the Summer of 1968"; "The Umiak in Labrador (circa 1980); "The Two Worlds of Mikak" (1983); "Eskimo Answers to an 18th Century Questionnaire" (1972); "Brothers to the Inuit" (1986); "Inventory of Eskimo Ethnographical Collections from the Canadian Eastern Arctic" (no date); "The Arctic Whale Cult in Labrador" (1985); "The Labrador Inuit Kashim (Ceremonial House) Complex" (circa 1990); A book review by Robert McGhee of "Labrador Eskimo Settlements of the Early Contact Period" by Garth Taylor (1975); and from THE BEAVER the articles: "The Birth of an Industry" by Clarence Birdseye (1941); "The Grand Falls" by Alan Cooke (1958); "A Woman's Way" by Alan Cooke; "North West River" by D.M. LeBourdais (1963); "Exploration of Unknown River in the Labrador" by Gillies Ross (1964); "The First Europeans in America" by Gwyn Jones (1964); "A Trapper's Tilt" by William Cochrane (1966); and from AMONG THE DEEP SEA FISHERS the articles: "Mud Lake, Winter Hospital" by Dr. Harry Paddon (1914); "The Humanness of the Liveyere" by T. Smyth Flinn (1915); "A Summer at Indian Harbour" by Henry Kingsley Blake (1916); "People and Things and the Future of Labrador" by Harry L. Paddon (19250; "The Mission's Most Northerly outposts" by Harry L. Paddon (1926); "Yale-Grenfell School for North West River" by an unidentified author (1926); "Dr. Paddon Reviews the Summer's Work at North West River" by an unidentified author (1972); "The Grand Falls of the Labrador" by Varick Frissell (1927); "Radio in the Arctic" by D.J. Lesser (1927); "The Boarding Home at North West River" by Elizabeth Criswell (1927); "Why work in the Labrador is worthwhile" by Dr. Harry Paddon (1927); two letters to the editor from Dr. Harry Paddon and Mina Paddon (1916); and from OUTING the articles: "Camping in a Labrador Snow-Hole" and "The Truth About Fox Farming" both by Clarence Birdseye (circa 1914); from GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN the articles: "Population Distribution of the Labrador Coast, Newfoundland" by W.A. Black (1956); "Landforms and Topography of the Lake Melville Area, Labrador, Newfoundland" by Weston Blake Jr. (1956); from THE CANADIAN MAGAZINE the articles: "The Liveyeres: Labrador's Permanent Population" (1912) and "An Eskimo Patriot" (1918) both by W. Lacey Amy; From DATELINE LABRADOR the articles: "The Pastors of the Valley" by an unidentified author (1965) and "The Glory of the Goose" by Corporal A.D. Burden (1965); A letter from Garth Taylor to Doris Saunders regarding material he sent to her (1990) as well as the articles: "Journey of Br. F.W. Riderknecht to the Settlers, South of Hopedale, in the Winter of the Year 1873", from the Moravian Periodical Accounts; "A Journey to the Grand Falls of Labrador" by Henry G. Bryant, from the Bulletin of the Geographical Club of Philadelphia (1894); "An Exploration of Southeastern Labrador" by Henry G. Bryant, from the Bulletin of the Geographical Club of Philadelphia (1913); "The Liveyeres of Labrador" by Victor Rousseau, from Chambers' Journal (1920); "Goose: Key Air Base" by David K. Findlay, from MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE (1943); "Main Street of the Labrador" by Adelaide Leitch, from ATLANTIC GUARDIAN (1949); "Aksunai" by Erwin C. Miller, from the CANADIAN GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL (1955); "Labrador -- 1933" by James Canning, from THE NEWFOUNDLAND SURVEYOR (1960); "The Goose Bay Story" by Vera Ayling, from THE ATLANTIC ADVOCATE (1964); "The Moravians in Labrador, (1771-1805)" by J.K. Miller, from THE POLAR RECORD (1971); "Moravian Mission Influence on Labrador Inuit Subsistence; 1776-1830" by J. Garth Taylor, from APPROACHES TO NATIVE HISTORY IN CANADA; Papers of a conference held at the National Museum of Man, (1977); In Addition: Chapter XXI from WHERE THE FISHERS GO: The Story of Labrador by P.W. Browne, entitled "Forest and Stream" (1909); Chapter 1 of a Department of Mines (Canada) Geological Survey by A.P. Coleman (1921); and a section from the book Le Noveau Quebec, entitled "Indians of Nouveau-Quebec" by John J. Honigmann (1961).

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O'Brien Family collection
CA NL0051 PL31 · Collection · 1771-1955

Collection consists of history of family business establishment at L'anse au L'oup (1771-1933) and family history of the O'Briens; two copies of the O'Brien family tree (1825-1955); paper written by Lawrence O'Brien entitled "Leo O'Brien: Master Folksinger and Storyteller of L'anse au L'oup, Labrador" (1977). Covering dates for this collection are 1771-1955.

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Girl Guides of Labrador collection
CA NL0051 PL33 · Collection · 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1970

Collection consists of Girl Guide company records for the company in Cartwright, Labrador (1938-1941); History of Girl Guiding in Happy Valley (1952-1969); Correspondence from Mary Evers-Swindell to Mrs. Sparshott regarding Girl Guides (1938); Newspaper article from the WEEKLY TELEGRAPH entitled "Good Work Against Heavy Odds" (1938).

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